Should you distribute your savings
to your loved ones in lump sum?
Find out the options available.
One Lump Sum = One (Potential)
Big Problem?
Why distributing your CPF savings to your beneficiaries
in one lump sum may not be good after all
Appoint someone you know
as your trustee!
Set Up Now

Why consider distributing your CPF savings through a Trust upon your demise? Some concerns you may have: 


Your beneficiaries may be vulnerable

For aged parents or spouse, they may be easily scammed or there may be undue influence from others. There could also be concerns on their mental capacity at the point of your demise.

Your beneficiaries may be financially immature

Your beneficiaries may not be used to handling big sums of money, resulting in squandering everything within a short period of time.

Your beneficiaries may not be able to use all the money that was given to them

You want to control who to give for the remaining monies that they did not finish using up VS leaving it to the beneficiary’s estate to distribute your monies according to their intentions.

You want someone legally responsible to look after your money

By appointing a proper Trustee in a Trust deed (and Letter of Wishes), you ensure that the monies meant for your beneficiaries are safeguarded for them. The beneficiaries also have legal recourse if there is a breach of fiduciary duties.

Your beneficiaries are below 18 years old

Your CPF savings meant for your intended young beneficiaries will be placed with the Public Trustee’s Office (PTO). PTO will only allow partial release if the guardian can prove significant financial hardship.

What can you do with ProviTrust 


Appoint an Individual Trustee 

The individual trustee will be legally responsible to hold and distribute your CPF savings (upon your demise) according to your intentions.

Appoint a Corporate Trustee

A Corporate Trustee will be suitable if you have no one in mind. Corporate Trustee can last many years.

Distribute your monies in instalments

You can stipulate the amount they receive on regular basis to prevent over-spending. Instalments can be monthly, quarterly or annually instead of one lumpsum.

Ability to appoint substitute beneficiaries

If the primary beneficiaries do not fully utilise the monies, the remaining money will go to your choice of substitute beneficiaries VS their choice of beneficiaries.

Utilise the monies for care of minor children

Your guardians will have easier access to the CPF monies left for your minor children through your Trust for their maintenance and care. Your appointed Trustee will follow your intentions to distribute monies for their needs.

A purposeful way to give your CPF savings

Instead of a lump sum, you can choose to give your CPF savings on a periodic basis; monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or even yearly, minimizing the risk of your CPF savings being squandered away.

Continue to provide for your loved ones, even after your lifetime, by allowing your CPF savings to be distributed periodically to your named beneficiaries.

Find out more at Why set up ProviTrust

If you wish to have a free consultation, do email us at [email protected] or via the contact form below, and we will get in touch with you.

The decisions you need to make before setting up your ProviTrust


    1. Appointment of a trustee             Read More
    2. Identify your beneficiaries           Read More
    3. Plan your distribution manners Read More

You are one step closer to making a difference in the lives of those you love.

See steps to set up ProviTrust

Who Are We?

EPPL Digital is a new digital platform created and owned by EPPL to facilitate estate planning and trust solutions such as ProviTrust.

Who is Precepts Trustee Ltd?

Precepts Trustee Ltd (Previously known as Rockwills Trustee Ltd.) is a licensed trust company (Trust Business License No. TC000040) regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

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